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Mini Split Heating and Cooling Systems Mini Split Heating and Cooling Systems
Mini Split Heating and Cooling Systems Mini Split Heating and Cooling Systems


Warming your home on chilly days and acting as an air conditioner on hot days, ductless Rheem® mini-split heating and cooling systems use heat-pump technology to keep you comfortable—and shrink your utility bills by up to 24%1.

Custom Simplicity

With no ductwork to install, you can customize the comfort of individual rooms, hallways and open spaces quickly and easily

Energy Savings

Mini-splits draw heat from outside air and use it to keep your home cozy in winter—and reverse the process on hot summer days

Utility Savings

Mini-Splits do more with less energy, which means less money spent on home comfort

Year-Round Comfort

Heat pump technology draws heat from outside air to keep you warm in winter and draws heat from your home to keep you cool all summer

Picture of Rheem mini-split HVAC heating and cooling system.

Why Choose
A Mini-Split System?

Click each button below to find out how the Rheem Single-Room or Multi-Room mini-split heating and cooling system makes the hottest places cool and the coolest places more comfortable.

  • Heating Efficiency

    On cold days, heat is absorbed from outside and transferred to within your home, delivering up to 4x the heat for the energy consumed

  • Cooling Comfort

    During warmer months, heat is transferred from inside to the outside, providing cool air comfort

  • Installation Simplicity

    Bring heating and cooling to areas not served by a ducted system—with only small equipment and copper tubing to install

  • Energy Savings

    The high energy efficiencies of Rheem ductless Mini-Split systems slash utility bills by up to 24%

Mini-Split Heating and Cooling System Types & Features

Single-Room Systems Multi-Room Systems
Range of Sizes Available 9,000 to 36,000 BTU/HR 14,000 to 54,000 BTU/HR
High Cooling Efficiencies SEER Ratings up to 33.0
(135% higher than minimum regulations)
SEER Ratings up to 19.7
(50% higher than minimum regulations)
High Heating Efficiencies HSPF up to 14.2
(67% higher than minimum regulations)
HSPF up to 10.3
(20% higher than minimum regulations)
Smart Energy-Saving Operation Inverter technology adjusts to match cooling / heating demand Inverter technology adjusts to match cooling / heating demand
4 System Options 8″H x 11.5″W x 3.75″D 8″H x 11.5″W x 3.75″D
8+ ENERGY STAR®-Qualified Systems May be eligible for local / national rebates & incentives
Room-by-Room Comfort Control N/A Ability to turn off individual indoor units when not needed
Picture of a Rheem mini-split remote controller for your home.

Control Your Comfort

Rheem Mini-Split Systems come with an easy-to-use remote control for convenience.

More Information on Rheem Mini-Split Heating and Cooling Systems

Product BrochureProduct Specifications

Get a Mini-Split Heating and Cooling System Today

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