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RSPM, RSNM (2-5 Ton)

RSPM, RSNM (2-5 Ton)
  • Durable Cabinet. Our galvanized steel cabinet protects your Rheem unit from the elements, helping reduce maintenance expense. Our slim design occupies less room in your yard and installs with a flush fit against your home.
  • Serviceability. Service time and expense are kept to an absolute minimum. Four service panels provide your technician easy access to all internal components.
  • Fan-tastic. Our motor mount prevents damage to your fan motor, extending its service life.
  • Protective Barrier. Each unit features full-louvered protection of the sensitive condenser coil, which keeps damage caused by accidental contact to a minimum, and adds to the longevity of your unit.
  • Heart & Scroll. The heart of your Package AirConditioner is the compressor. That’s why every Rheem unit features a Scroll® Compressor – widely recognized as the industry standard for performance and durability.
  • Low Corrosion. Low Sound. Special base rails elevate the bottom of the unit off the ground and away from corrosive condensation. The combination of the durable cabinet, large outdoor fan, scroll compressor and elevated base pan all contribute to quiet, dependable operation.

Product Info


Conditional Parts - 10 Years (1-Phase Residential, Registration Required)

Compressor - 10 Years (1-Phase, Residential) 5 Years (1 & 3-Phase, Commercial)

Part 1 Year (Commercial)

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With the help of our people and our partners we've driven industry innovation for 100 years. We're proud that it's all led to Rheem being the brand that homeowners and businesses count on. And the best part is, we're just getting started.
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